Sunday, February 8, 2009

It is Sunday evening and we have just completed our first week in Jerusalem.  It's been a glorious week for us, sunny and warm.  Great for us but not so for Israelis who are very concerned because the Kinneret has reached its lowest level ever and the Dead Sea is receding at an alarming rate.  These drought conditions have been going on for several years.  It's a far cry from the winter we spent here eleven years ago when it snowed at least 3-4 times!
We've had a marvelous week filled with hours of walking through the streets of Jerusalem. We celebrated Erev Shabbat at Kol Haneshama, then went to the home of our friends Evan and Don, for a lovely Shabbat dinner.  Shabbat morning was spent at HUC where the first-year cantorial students presented a special service for Shabbat Shirah.  We've loved living on Jewish time and were among the throngs at Machane Yehuda who purchase their challot, food and flowers before all the stores close down for Shabbat.  Today we marked Tu B'Shevat with a seder at HUC.  How much more meaningful this holiday is when not celebrated in the frigid Boston temperatures--the fruits are so plentiful and stores are filled with dried apricots, dates, almonds and figs.  


  1. sounds absolutely wonderful... how are the knees?

  2. It looks like you are relaxing and enjoying Israeli foods and time. Tomorrow will be exciting with the elections! There will be lots to talk about when you get back.

    Evan will just miss you as he is going to Israel in see his girlfriend AND to visit three graduate programs he is applying to...oy!

    Enjoy your time...we love seeing some of what you are doing (that bakery looked very interesting as did the spices).

